Our Blogs 5 Major Differences Between Commercial and Residential Painting Jobs Did you know that there are major differences between commercial and residential painting jobs? If you’re thinking about hiring a painter, it’s important to understand the...
Our Blogs What are the Challenges of Painting Your QLD House in Winter Although it can be a little more challenging, painting your house in winter is definitely not impossible. There are a few things you need to take into account when painting in colder weather...
Our Blogs 5 Major Differences Between Exterior and Interior House Paint You might be wondering what the difference is between exterior and interior house paint. They both seem to do the same thing, right? Well, not quite. Exterior paint is specially formulated to...
Our Blogs How Does the Temperature Affect Paint Longevity Paint is one of the most important elements of any home renovation or construction project. It provides insulation, protects surfaces, and adds aesthetic appeal. But what many people don’t know is that...
Our Blogs When is the Best Time to Do a Painting Job in Brisbane When it comes to doing a painting job in Brisbane, there is no one definitive answer to the question of when the best time is to do it. In some cases, timing will depend on factors such as weather...
Our Blogs Factors That Affect The Quality Of House Painting House painting is a big investment, preparation is the most important aspect that can affect the quality of the job. Depending on your location, weather and other conditions can play a role in how your paint...